Available courses

Apply vector techniques to solve problems on lines and planes
Execute routine matrix manipulations which arise in engineering problems, including the determination of solutions of systems of linear algebraic equations and calculating inverses of matrices
Analyse data using exploratory and inferential statistics
Use a symbolic manipulation package for more advanced tasks of solving linear algebra and statistical based problems
Generate and use basic logical mathematical arguments in the solution of engineering problems

Statistics – Data handling, Population vs Sample, Statistical parameters
Statistics – Probability distributions: Binomial, Poisson and Normal distributions
Statistics – Confidence intervals, Hypothesis tests; Level of significance, p-value, power of test
Vectors – Operations, Standard unit basis vectors, Dot product, Scalar and vector projections
Vectors & Matrices – Cross product and applications, Matrix operations, Inverse matrices
Application of Matrices – Linear equations, Row echelon form, Gaussian elimination
Application of Matrices – Homogeneous systems, Gauss Jordan method, Solutions using inverse matrix
Determinants – Cofactor expansion, Evaluating determinants, Cramer’s rule, Applications of determinants
Lines and Planes –Equations of lines, Equation of planes, Intersection of planes, Determining distances
Vector Spaces – Euclidean vector space, vector subspaces, linear dependence and independence
Applications of Vectors and Matrices – Plane Transformations, Least squares

This HELM course is intended for self-learning for engineering and science students.
(HELM= "Helping Engineers Learn Maths")
There may be for-assessment quizzes elsewhere - not in this HELM course- using similar questions in some MATH units. 
Although you will learn if you do the HELM questions the "marks" from these HELM quizzes will not contribute to grade.

It is hoped to prepare a table by units indicating the most relevant chapters for the unit.